Building a Custom Gnome Home


Since the start of COVID while maintaining social distancing, our family spent a lot of time reading and exploring Fort Collins and the Northern Front Range through GeoCatching. When it comes to dream home ideas, our son is the best with innovative design. So when he came to us with an idea to build a whimsical Little Free Library we helped him design and build his custom gnome home.

Believe it or not, he actually made more money at the yard sale than both of us combined! Money which he wisely invested into an ice-cream fund that lasted all summer. It's wild how popular it was on a hot summers day. I recently learned that back in the late 1800's lemonade stands were so popular that they caused lines blocking sidewalks and the police had to intervene.

"so popular that they caused lines blocking sidewalks and the police had to intervene."

Luckily our stand did not get a visit from the authorities but in recent years lots of other kids stands were shut down and even fined up to $400 dollars! It's crazy the things you need a permit for sometimes. I feel lucky that David knows which projects need a permit and which ones you can build without.

"fined up to $400 dollars!"

We once had to fly out to California to rebuild our friends entire living room because it was built without a permit before they bought it and then re-modeled to become load bearing. Luckily David saved them a ton of money by making suggestions which allowed them to reinforce existing beams in the living room to meet building codes without having to do a full out demo.

"David saved them a ton of money by making meet building codes without having to do a full out demo."

If you're like me and life seems to revolve around construction projects hang in there and look out for those lemonade stand moments. Living in a construction zone can be a real struggle but seeing the joy and pride in my boys faces after this special build makes all the dust worth it!

~Construction Mom